TAILS (2020)

Automated conversion of Twine Interactive Fiction into a rich Multimodal experience.

This project was developed as part of the Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces course at KTH together with Bastian Orthmann, Gabriel Ringmar and Jura Miniotaite.

For the demo prototype we’ve used the Interactive Fiction story Invasion by Cat Manning. All the artwork and content is her Intellectual Property and was only used by us for educational purposes.

TAILS (Tool Augments Interactive Literature Superbly), is aimed at Interactive Fiction authors who would like to experiment with the creation of multimodal Interactive Fiction experiences but are lacking the technical expertise needed to do so on their own.
Based on Cradle, an open-source Twine compiler for Unity, we’ve created a toolkit that automatically transforms a unimodal Twine Interactive Fiction story into a multimodal experience.

TAILS enhances Interactive Fiction by automatically augmenting it with background music, audio narration and vibrotactile feedback. All of them modified according to the sentiment analysis score of the current passage.